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We’re Creepin’ it Real: Best Spooky Shipwreck Dives

Mike Carew   Jun 12, 2021

Fall is here. The air is crisp and getting chilly, the leaves are turning, and the sweaters are being pulled out of those “Winter Clothes” boxes. As Autumn approaches, so does a deal that is truly INCREDIBLE!

You can receive 20% OFF Diving Lessons during the month of October. It’s time to dive in, and save big!











The weather is getting colder..
So is the water!

What better way to add to the chilling feeling of fall than going under the water to explore some spooky shipwrecks?! We want you to learn to dive with us so that you too can discover the shipwrecks of the deep. Uncover some of the mysteries behind the capsize of large ships and see what remains of their wreckage. Immerse yourself under water to explore these phenomenal ruins and see what many will never get the chance to!

With this great discount, you have no excuse not to!









We’re Creepin’ it Real:
Best Spooky Shipwreck Dives

Captain Mike and other local New York divers have been lucky enough to explore several spooky shipwrecks in the area including the USS San Diego, The Oregon, The Iberia, and more.

History: Up Close and Underwater

The USS San Diego was an armored cruiser in the US Navy back in early 1900’s. Unfortunately, this ship was likely struck by a mine and sunk due to an explosion in July of 1918.

The Oregon was built back in 1881 and was one of the largest of its time. On a trip from Liverpool to New York the Oregon was struck by another ship just 5 miles off Fire Island, NY. Luckily everybody on board survived, and it took 8 hours for the ship to sink.

Captain Mike’s Diving team frequently dives these unbelievable and historical shipwrecks. Nothing can compare to the exciting experience of seeing history up close and underwater.

What Captain Mikes Diving can offer you?

Submerge yourself into action and get a hands-on approach at the thriller that are Shipwrecks. For the month of October save 20% OFF diving lessons with Captain Mikes Diving. As the leaves on the trees start to vanish, so does your opportunity to take this unreal adventure down into the sea with a discounted price. Fill out the form below to get your diving lessons for 20% OFF! The perfect time for an eerie encounter is now!
